Friday 7 January 2011

The decline of America and the ascention of China

Since many years, even decades, people forecast a decline of America but it never was true. The article however shows why its different this time. Worth a read!

Think Again: American Decline - By Gideon Rachman | Foreign Policy

Vietnams troubles and Africas growth

I read two interesting articles today. First one is on Vietnams troubled economy.
The authors state that besides official corruption, unpopular land grabs, environmental damage and a lack of political transparency, little much needed change in policy is expected. Furthermore earlier hopes that a cohort of reform-minded apparatchiks might replace an older, more staid generation have now been disappointed. All this factors leading to difficulties.

Second one is a chart also from the Economist of Africas impressive growth GDP wise. Even though the GDP levels are still low and Angolas growth, for example, is mainly due to there oil reserves, its still a positive sign from a troubled continent.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Online bookshelf

I just recently organized my online bookshelf on I don`t remember all books I read but I rated the ones I do remember. If you are interested in what I read then add me there under "Johannes05".If you scroll down on the page you can always see the books I am currently reading and I am going to read soon.

Johannes05's bookshelf: read

Animal Farm
The Catcher in the Rye
The Alchemist
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Odyssey
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Into the Wild
Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster
The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again
Der Mossad.
The Shadow of the Sun
Kulturgeschichte des Klimas
Travels with Herodotus
The Emperor
Shah of Shahs
The Other
Another Day of Life

Johannes05's favorite books »

Visited countries

Next goal definitely South America particularly Brazil, Argentina and Peru ! Other countries I would love to visit are Syria, Israel and Benin.

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Countries with the fastest and slowest GDP growth forecasts

Happy to see Laos will perform well in 2011. I am wondering what causes this performance, guess a mix of tourism, energy and rubber(?). On the other hand I am surprised that Venezuela loses only that little.

First entry

My plan is to publish, from time to time, blogs on a wide range of issues mainly related to politics, history and books.